The Vision of our youth ministries is responding to the love and word of God we are growing to replicate the life and love of Jesus in each other and into the world.

We call the ministry of our 6-12th grade youth “The Underground”. The Underground joins God in loving the world. Every youth grows into the character, competence and confidence of knowing all are God’s people and doing the works of Jesus in their own lives. Our Underground youth are surrounded by adult shepherds who mentor and disciple youth. We are supported by our Youth and Family team who tries to keep all we do fun and faith filled in doing the work of Jesus.

A few of the things we do regularly as the Underground

  • ELCA Youth Gathering 2024 (July 13-20 New Orleans) The Gathering’s mission of faith formation in young people is the hub from which all things come for MYLE, the tAble and the Gathering. Our goal is to create environments and opportunities for faith formation through worship, interactive learning, Bible study, service and fellowship. While some of the experiences can be replicated at home, some are unique and special to the Gathering because of the size and scope of this ministry.This year participants may participate in our two pre-events, while others will at Mass Gatherings, where participants come together for music, speakers and worship. Others might tackle these goals in the Interactive Learning space, where they can experience exciting things that the ELCA and our partners are doing. Or maybe it’s experiencing God’s work already being done in New Orleans, La., on their Accompaniment day. It might even be during Synod Day, where participants are in community with those geographically close to them. It also might just happen during Community Life or the nightly congregational devotion and debrief called Final 15.
  • Middle School Youth Ministry / Junior Luther  League 5th-8th Grades- Sunday November 12, December 3, December 10 6pm-7:30pm in the Underground
  • Confirmation for high school freshman (or anyone!). Youth who are freshman get paired up with an awesome mentor and make faith more personal by intentionally learning how to respond to God’s love. It’s a great time of doubting, learning, practicing and taking next steps on the way of Jesus.
  • High School Sunday School on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45am. Anything can happen – superhero sunday, love languages, hot dog pizza and epic Highs and Lows. It’s all Jesus.
  • Youth Worship Team – We make wondrous music together! We play at Underground gatherings and in worship with all our crazy Bethel people.
  • Out – Jesus has left the building. As we serve and are served we encounter God everywhere. We serve in many ways!